Top Aquatics Summer Camps and Summer Aquatics Programs for Kids & Teens in North Carolina

Best North Carolina Aquatics Camps Summer 2025 Directory

Find the Best Aquatics Camps in North Carolina!

Over 39 North Carolina Aquatics Summer Camps Listed Below with In-Depth Camp Info, including: Videos, Photos, Maps & Detailed Descriptions

Best North Carolina Aquatics Camps in 2025
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Winter Aquatics Camps, Programs, Workshops, & Classes in North Carolina are Starting in February, 2025

Many of our North Carolina Aquatics Camps offer Winter Aquatics Programs, Activities, Workshops & Classes starting in February, 2025.

Be sure to check the "Year-Round Programs and Other Camp Info" headings of each camp listing for specifics, or give any Aquatics Camp you're interested in a call to check on Winter dates, times and availability.

Winter 2025 Aquatics Camp Open Houses & Reunions

Many of our Aquatics Camps will be hosting Winter Reunions for their previous campers, and Winter Open Houses for interested new campers and families. Each camp is different, and some offer activities for the entire family.

Contact the camp(s) directly to see if there are any Camp Reunion or Open House Plans for February, 2025.

Best North Carolina Winter Aquatics Day Camps Starting in February, 2025

Looking for a Great North Carolina Aquatics Day Camp? Look at each camp's TYPE OF CAMP description. Many of our Best North Carolina Day Aquatics Camps also list their exact hours, and if they offer before and after camp activities.

Best North Carolina Year-Round
Aquatics Camps, Classes & Aquatics Programs

Many of our Best North Carolina Summer Aquatics Camps also offer Year Round Aquatics Camp Programs, Classes, and Activities. You should contact the camps you are interested in to see if they offer Fall, Winter and/or Spring Aquatics Programs, too.

Best North Carolina Winter Aquatics Camp Jobs

Searching for North Carolina Aquatics Camp Jobs? Many of our Best Aquatics Camps are now listing their 2025 Winter Camp Jobs, too. Look for the heading "Summer Camp Jobs" in each camp listing. You can also check any camp's website for their "Work at Camp" or "Winter Employment Opportunities" pages.

View ALL NC Camps with Winter Work & Leadership Training Opportunities.

Some of the Best Aquatics Camps on the East Coast are here in North Carolina.


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

More Info

Camp Wayfarer Summer Camp for Boys and Girls
Flat Rock, North Carolina

Visit Our Camp Wayfarer Summer Camp for Boys and Girls Website
828-696-9000 Main Line
828-696-2900 Fax
828-290-7212 Cell

One Red Bird Song Road
Flat Rock, North Carolina 28731

Mailing Address:
PO Box 850
Flat Rock, NC 28731


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Basketball, Cheerleading, Football, Tennis, Soccer, Weightloss, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Wayfarer, nestled in the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains, is a camp for boys and girls ages 6-16.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Wayfarer is a traditional summer camp, but it is more. It is a family consisting of campers, counselors, alumni, and parents that are building new traditions in a young and growing camp! Wayfarer offers a unique opportunity for campers to grow based on a firm foundation of spiritual, physical, mental, and social development.

Campers learn to make good decisions and become independent leaders by living in a supportive camp family.

Activities include archery, arts and crafts, backpacking, badminton, basketball, Bible study, canoeing, cheerleading, chorus, dance, drama, fencing, field hockey, fly fishing, guitar, horseback riding, kayaking, lacrosse, landsports, mountain biking, pioneering, puppetry, rafting, riflery, rock climbing, soccer, swimming, tennis, triathlon, X-treme, volleyball, waterskiing and waybo.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: We offer a CIT program for young people who have finished the 11th grade. They are paid a small salary and taught leadership, responsibilities within the cabin and as well as in all program areas and meal times.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarship monies are available during the fall. They are on an as needed basis.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp for all ages during the Labor Day Holiday each year. Wonderful long weekend for your family filled with great food, fellowship and fun! Limited space available so early sign up is recommended!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer many school programs for all grades. We try to cater to each school's programs and find the perfect match for your group!

Please refer to our website for all our great programming and other information at: Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Wayfarer Summer Camp for Boys and Girls

There are 30 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

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North Carolina Aquatics Camps

Be sure to ask each North Carolina Aquatics Camp about the amount of aquatics sports instruction and the overall intensity of their aquatics sports program.

Some Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps offer rigorous daily aquatics sports training and lots of intensive aquatics sports experience. Other great North Carolina Camps offer aquatics sports as an elective or recreational activity with much less training and intensity.

View ONLY North Carolina Aquatics Day Camps?

Would you like to see a List of Top North Carolina Aquatics Day Camps Only, Organized by City?

We will re-sort this list and show you only Aquatics Day Camps, organized alphabetically by city.

Turtle Island Preserve
Boone, North Carolina

Visit Our Turtle Island Preserve Website
(828) 265 - 2267 (CAMP)
2683 Little Laurel Rd
Boone, North Carolina 28607

Watch Our Turtle Island Preserve Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): All are welcome.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Nestled in North Carolina's Appalachian Mountains, Turtle Island is an outdoor experience like no other. Boys and girls spend one or two weeks outside as they learn, play, and explore our pristine mountain valley. Campers have the opportunity to connect to nature, learn a variety of skills and crafts from our seasoned and caring staff, and experience a real Appalachian farm and homestead. Every scrumptious meal is cooked over wood fire, our clean creeks are prime for play, and our woods full of lessons for those looking for adventure. Most importantly, the fun and friendships made here will last a lifetime.

Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Academics, Science, and more.

Turtle Island Preserve is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Boone North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Swimming, Science, Adventure and more. Turtle Island Preserve is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 7-17.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 8 miles east of Boone, in the northwest corner of NC. Less than 2 miles from the Blue Ridge Parkway - Bamboo Gap exit. Please visit our website, or like us on facebook, or visit our youtube channel for more information.

CAMP FACILITIES: Turtle Island is nestled in a hidden mountain hollow at the confluence of pristine mountain streams. Endless trails and a preserved wilderness are home to our rustic cabins and primitive shelters. We use an outhouse for our bathroom and our nutritious home grown meals are prepared in our outdoor wood-fired kitchen. We'll teach you that there's no such thing as 'roughing it' when you reconnect with your natural roots.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: National Geographic chose Turtle Island as one of the top most enriching destinations for a family vacation. Our co founders are featured on the history channel's Mountain Men series and our founder Eustace Conway has been the subject of thousands of articles, books, documentary and media publications. Our philosophy is simple, child centered and firmly rooted in getting visitors in touch with the source of all things... We provide context, comfort and awareness in the natural world.

Activities Include: Hiking, Horse Drawn Carriage Rides, Morning Watch Ceremony, Traditional Woodworking, Blacksmithing, Spinning, Weaving, Felting, Bark Craft, Solo Vigil, Cooking Over Fire, Edible Plants, Tracking, Natural Dyes, Storytelling, Blowgun Making, Bow & Arrow Making, Spoon & Spatula Carving, Burning Out A Bowl, Stone Working, Making Containers, Responsibility Awareness, Journal Writing, One Match & No Match Fires, Basket Weaving, Communication Exercises, Pottery, Gardening, Preserving Food, Campfire Programs, Group Initiatives, Swimming Hole Dips, Night Walking, Bird Study, Natural Material Gathering, Gourd Crafts, Making Music, Making Musical Instruments, Harnessing A Horse, Leather Work, First Aid & Safety, Heightened Consciousness Games, Building Primitive Shelters, Medicinal Plants, Sled Rides, Visiting Elders, Reptile Study, Gathering Safe Water, Log House Construction, Hiking, Horse Drawn Carriage Rides, and lots more!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: CIT programs available for past campers that have aged out of youth camp, but are too young to attend adult programs.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Scholarships available on a case-by-case basis.Information on camp scholarship and to download the scholarship application here: Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Father/Son camp happens over father's Day weekend each year. You can learn more about it here:
Our Camp Website Link:

Family Camp - In today's modern world, there are very few opportunities for families to really spend quality time with one another...REAL quality time together in the outdoors - minus phone, internet, and the many modern day distractions of our fast-paced digital world. All ages and family sizes accepted

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: School Field Trips, College Service Learning and Alternative Spring Break projects, Homeschool, Scout and Special Interest Educational day and weekend trips available.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Turtle Island hosts an annual outdoor expo Family Day each spring which is a perfect behind-the-scenes experience for interested camp families.

Our Camp Website Link:

Kitchen, Nursing and Counseling Staff as well as Volunteer positions now available, please send an email for more information. mail[AT]

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Turtle Island Preserve

There are 29 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Aquatics Camps in NC
Offer Day & Overnight Options

Some North Carolina Aquatics Camps offer BOTH Day and Overnight Camp options. Be sure to check each camp's description under "TYPE OF CAMP" for complete information, and exact hours.

Some North Carolina Aquatics Day Camps also offer Extended Camp Hours for Early Camper Drop-Off and Pick Up. If you need these services, you should contact the camp to confirm availability.

Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center
Efland, NC

Visit Our Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center Website
(919) 304-2178
4300 Camp Chestnut Ridge Road
Efland, NC 27243

Watch Our Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: One-week sessions June - August. ACA-accredited, non-profit camp associated with the United Methodist Church. Activities include horseback riding, canoeing, zip-line, farming, high ropes, mountain biking, basketball, cooking, crafts, archery, and more.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Basketball, Football, Soccer, Academics, Science, Travel, and more. Horseback Riding, Target Sports, Art, Sports, Aquatics, Leadership Camps, Off-Site Adventure Camps.

Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Efland North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Travel, Adventure, Football and more. Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 3 - 16.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located just 15 minutes from Chapel Hill, Durham and 30 minutes from Greensboro.

CAMP FACILITIES: 362 acres of gently rolling, hardwood forest land, Chestnut Ridge is a natural haven. Not only can you visit and enjoy community together, but a short walk will provide the quiet sounds of nature and restful solitude. All of our cabins have bathrooms and air-conditioning, pool, lake, lake toys, horseback riding trails. Year-round lodging facilities accommodate up to 108 overnight and 300 or more day guests. 10 acre lake, 20 acre sustainable farm, 33 acres of horse pasture, Over 4 miles of trails. Checkout our website for more info, at: Our Camp Website Link: Many retreat groups choose to take advantage of the many recreation opportunities available at Chestnut Ridge. Recreation facilities include: 2 Tournament-grade beach volleyball courts, Softball, horseshoes, basketball, and other field game equipment.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Each summer, we welcome over a thousand campers who come to share in a warm welcome, good food, friendship, campfires, stories, worship and songs. Each week of camp forms a community that experiences the love of God through a dedicated staff, well planned activities, and a beautiful outdoor setting. Chestnut Ridge is a fun place to grow. It is a place for first-time campers to gain new life experiences and new friendships with campers and staff. It is a place for returning campers who come each year to make new friendships and renew old ones. It is a place where all campers recreate and reconnect with others, with the created world, and with God. Nestled in the Heart of Carolina, Chestnut Ridge offers residential and day camp experiences for campers in grades Pre-K-11. Summer Camp offers the very best residential program we can conceive: a small group with which to live and grow, and a choice of program activities for older elementary and middle school aged campers.

Day camp features an abundance of program selections, and finishes each day with campers returning home before dinner. Evenings offer resident campers the opportunity to enjoy evening meals together, lively fun worship, night swims, camp wide games of capture the flag, the Amazing Race, Home in the Woods, a talent show, pool party, and an end of session celebration full of skits, songs, stories, and praise. It is our prayer that every word and deed at Chestnut Ridge glorifies God. We want to partner with you as parents to develop and preserve practices of faith that strengthen and uplift the campers and in turn, each camper's family, church, school, and community. A summer camp experience built on excellence and quality remains vitally important for children and youth, providing them with space and time apart where they learn about themselves, their peers, and life in the Christian community.

We look forward to sharing the love of Christ with our campers, their families and our team! Checkout our website for more info at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Leadership/LIT program. The Leaders in Training (LIT) program is an exciting experience for high school campers. Campers must have completed 10th grade to participate in the LIT program. This 2 week intensive leadership development and training program is for those who wish to grow in their faith, gain new skills, and take on new leadership challenges. As part of the LIT program, campers will have the opportunity to pursue certification in – Red Cross Lifeguarding, First Aid, and CPR. Campers will also delve into study of scripture and their faith. The program takes place primarily onsite, with a short offsite backpacking trip in the middle. Finally, we expect that by the end of the two week camp, LIT campers will be trying on new leadership roles as they plan and implement new programs or activities for the younger campers. The LIT program will mold and shape the leaders of tomorrow, both at camp and beyond.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camperships are available. Camperships are based on financial need and unusual family hardship and are considered on a case-by-case basis.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer a year-round after school program, outdoor education field trips, and a retreat center for overnight and day groups.

Weekly Sessions: June 10 to August 24. Day Camp ranges from $305 to $375 depending on major selected. Resident Camp ranges from $610 to $685 per week depending on major. Please visit our website for information about summer camp sessions, dates and fees. Our Camp Website Link:

Seeking fun, energetic, adventurous people to be summer camp counselors in a beautiful outdoor setting. Our staff is committed to environmental stewardship, sharing God's love with youth, having fun, and fostering Christian community while working, living, and growing together.

Come be part of this exciting Christian community and lead campers in traditional camp activities such as horseback riding, rock climbing, rafting, hiking, archery, swimming, canoeing, sports, art, ropes course, zipline, hayrides, pottery, games, sports, and more! We are changing lives by sharing Christ's love. Bring your unique gifts to Chestnut Ridge and make a positive impact on a child’s life this summer.

For more information please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

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Chestnut Ridge Camp and Retreat Center

There are 28 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Eagle's Nest Camp
Pisgah Forest, NC

Visit Our Eagle's Nest Camp Website
(828) 877-4349
43 Hart Road
Pisgah Forest, NC 28768

Watch Our Eagle's Nest Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Eagle’s Nest Camp encourages young people to live and grow simply, rooted by intentional experiences and connection to community. We place emphasis on developing the whole child in a compassionate, encouraging environment filled with activities that promote self-expression, personal growth, skill building, and fun. Eagle’s Nest provides campers with the opportunity to slow down and reconnect with the core values of nature, friendship, and joyful living. At Eagle’s Nest, children form meaningful friendships and learn what it means to truly belong.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Soccer, Academics, Travel, and more. Rock Climbing, Whitewater Paddling, Backpacking, Ceramics, Batik, Gardening, Blacksmithing, Leadership.

Eagle s Nest Camp is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Pisgah Forest North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Wilderness/Nature, Adventure, Musical Theater and more. Eagle s Nest Camp is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 6 - 18.

CAMP LOCATION: Eagle's Nest Camp is located about 35 minutes southwest of Asheville, NC, nestled into the Blue Ridge Mountains and surrounded by lush rhododendron and towering pines. Our 180-acre river valley campus serves as home to a diverse community of campers from across the country and the world. Please visit our website for pictures and videos of our campus.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our 180-acre campus is home to 12 cabins (all include electricity and bathrooms), a number of beautiful buildings used for programming, a whole foods kitchen and dining hall, several lakes and ponds, a 40-foot climbing tower, riding ring, large garden, and miles of trails and campsites.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Eagle's Nest Camp (fully accredited by the American Camp Association) encourages young people to live and grow simply, rooted by intentional experiences and connection to community. We place emphasis on developing the whole child in a compassionate, encouraging environment filled with activities that promote self-expression, personal growth, skill building, and fun. Eagle's Nest provides campers the opportunity to slow down and reconnect with the core values of nature, friendship, and joyful living. At Eagle's Nest, children form meaningful friendships and learn what it means to truly belong.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Junior Counselor Leadership program.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Eagle's Nest offers significant financial aid ("Camperships"). Please visit our website for more information: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: The Outdoor Academy semester school for 10th and 11th grade students

Session 1: 6/13 - 6/26
Session 2: 6/28 - 7/17
Session 3: 7/19 - 8/7
Session 3B: 7/19-8/1
Session 4: 8/9 - 8/16

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information.

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Eagles Nest Camp

There are 27 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below


Find a great collection of custom-made shirts, hoodies, bags, swag & gear on our RedBubble page. Click on any image or the link below.

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Camp Highlander
Horse Shoe, North Carolina

Visit Our Camp Highlander Website
42 Dalton Road
Horse Shoe, North Carolina 28742

Watch Our Camp Highlander Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Jewish. Christian.

We are NOT religiously affiliated but encourage each child to embrace and grow in the faith of their home.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Highlander is a residential summer camp in Mills River, North Carolina, devoted to the growing and nurturing of boys and girls, ages 6-16, in a safe, fun-filled, and electronics-free environment. Since 1957, we have partnered with parents and families to build character and confidence in the lives of children as we provide lifelong memories, authentic friendships, and a camp family to come home to year after year.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Theater, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Weightloss, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Highlander is located in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains near Asheville, North Carolina. We are 10 minutes from the Asheville airport and 25 minutes from downtown Asheville.

Camp Highlander sits on 240 acres of pristine North Carolina wilderness next to the Mills River. Pisgah National Forest joins our campus just over Old Forge Mountain.

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Highlander first opened its gates in 1957 and we’ve never looked back. That’s over six decades worth of life-changing summers! We have 34 beautiful cabins sprinkled out across Old Forge Mountain. The cabins are located in defined girls camp and boys camp areas of camp. Each cabin is equipped with two sinks, two toilets and two showers.

From opening day to final farewells, our campers enjoy so many exciting activities with their cabin unit that it’s hard for them to choose a favorite. Whether they are playing soccer on the land sports field, conquering the climbing wall, tubing down the Mills River, trying their hand at flint-knapping, or performing on stage during Highlander’s famous Evening Programs, our campers learn to accomplish their goals, discover new talents and, perhaps most importantly, work as a team – all while exploring the spectacular mountains of Western North Carolina.

As a cabin unit, campers participate in many adventures together both on and off-camp. Our cabin unit structure helps each camper feel comfortable enough to step outside their comfort zone and try new things. With their cabin mates and counselors by their side every step of the way, campers meet each challenge and triumph with unbridled encouragement, support and love. Our goal is that each camper would discover just how courageous they can be while enjoying a journey filled with personal achievements and unforgettable memories.

Activities Include:

Day Hikes
High Ropes Course
Low Ropes & Team Building
Wilderness Education
Camp FIT
Land Sports
Mountain Biking
Art Department
Arts & Crafts
Flint Knapping
Sculpture (ceramics & more)
Studio (paint, draw & more)

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Camp Highlander, we believe God has instilled in each one of us a desire to love and be loved. This is the motivation behind our mission — we love because God first loved us.

Through this love, we seek to build boys and girls of courage, honesty, integrity and faith, and to help them become all that God intends them to be. In all we do, from the social structure of camp to our programming, from opening day to closing day, we seek to uphold, promote, teach and exemplify these four core values.

Courage: Dare to be Brave
Courage is found within you and is realized through the support and love of those around you. Dare to be brave. Try new things. Stand by your friends.

Honesty: Speak Truth in Love
Be yourself. Honesty builds trust. Trust is the foundation of our family. Be kind to others; honesty is shown in our actions, not just our words. Speak truth in love to your neighbor.

Integrity: Respect Yourself, Others and Nature
Be strong. Integrity builds confidence. Lead by example. Win with integrity. Lose with integrity. Live a life of moral conviction, worthy of modeling.

Faith: Seek Truth and Believe
Never stop dreaming. Faith is the ability to receive, find and make meaning in our lives. Faith is being certain of what is not seen and sure of what we hope for.

Parents can choose an 8 day experience (Kick Off Camp), 13 days (Sessions A or B) or 16 days (Session C). We also have Family Camp options to help children acclimate to the idea of camp.

The purpose of the Camp Highlander’s Counselor in Training and Leadership Program is to provide an enriching experience for teens, while enabling them to maximize their individual potential to transform into dynamic leaders, capable of making a positive difference in the world!

Camp Highlander’s Counselor in Training and Leadership Program instills the skills and knowledge necessary to become successful servant-leaders, adults, and model citizens.

At Camp Highlander our staff lead, love and serve. Our CIT and Leadership Program is designed to facilitate the transition from camper to staff while equipping the CITS to join the incredible Highlander team one day. This leadership program will not only prepare them for the counselor role, but give them valuable life skills and leadership techniques for college, careers and future workforce. These skills include:

Our goal is for graduates of this program to be committed, hard-working, servant-hearted individuals. We accomplish this by guiding teens through a program filled with service, training, team building and FUN.

CIT’s will have leadership training, participate in service opportunities while also enjoying on and off-camp activities.

The CIT class will continue their leadership training and service while shadowing the Camp Highlander Staff. CIT’s will join our cabins and learn the in’s and out’s of CH staff roles and responsibilities and enjoy playing with campers at all our amazing activities. In addition, CITs will have the opportunity to participate in Color War competitions and coaching.

Why Apply for the CIT & Leadership Program?
Personal growth
Leadership development
Life Skill Building
Unforgettable Memories
Life-long Friendships
150 Community Service Hours and FUN!

Eligibility is based on grade and previous enrollment as a camper at Camp Highlander. All candidates must have completed their junior year of high school.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Camp Highlander wants every child to have the opportunity to attend summer camp. The Highlander Scholarship program seeks to provide partial tuition assistance to a select number of campers based on family financial need and camper qualifications.

If you would like to apply for a Camp Highlander scholarship, please complete the following application. A copy of the family tax return and a recent picture of your camper must also be included with the application form to be considered. The applicant must also submit a short essay on “how I will embrace this opportunity and the Camp Highlander community".

Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp - Our Camp Website Link:
Leave your cell phone behind, take a break from the rush and responsibilities of life, and discover the joys of a fun-filled family getaway in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina!

Family Camp is an opportunity for you and your family to experience the magic and wonder of Camp Highlander. Your family will enjoy a private cabin with a private bathroom, three meals served daily at your family table in the dining hall, exciting activities each day and a variety of evening programs to create memories for a lifetime. Your children will have a blast, you will feel like a kid again, and your entire family will enjoy a unique and relaxing vacation!

Father–Son Weekend
The relationship between a father and a son is unlike any other. Dads have a God-given role to protect and provide for their families, and to teach their sons the life skills necessary to grow into honorable men.

Don’t miss this unique opportunity to share a fun, action-packed weekend with your son in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina. With incredible activities like riflery, kayaking and rock climbing you will share teachable, bonding moments with your son that will positively impact his life and forever strengthen your relationship.

Mother–Daughter Weekend
Every daughter needs quality time with her mother; time to talk, time to listen, time to bond. Leave behind the busyness of life, the pile of to-do lists and the various obligations that never seem to end, and invest in your relationship with your daughter.

Retreat to the mountains and show your little girl that she is the most important thing in your world. Enjoy amazing activities like canoeing, pottery and cooking. Grow closer together as you conquer the high ropes course, zip line and climbing wall. Witness your relationship blossom into something beautiful as you soak up every single minute of a memorable weekend spent together!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Highlander is open for weddings for certain weekends during the spring and fall. All summer months are dedicated to our overnight summer sessions.

To learn more about Camp Highlander Weddings, please visit:
Our Camp Website Link:

Camp Highlander Dates & Rates
Our Camp Website Link:

Kickoff Camp and Sessions A and B are limited to 130 boys and 130 girls, and Session C is limited to 140 boys and 140 girls. Additionally, Session C is only available for campers ages 8-16 (all other sessions are 6-16.) All 6 year old campers must have completed kindergarten. We suggest registering as soon as you make your final decision, as our sessions tend to fill quickly. Please call the camp office if we can help you in your decision process.

Kick Off Camp (8 Days)
Kick Off Camp is the perfect session for boys and girls who want to experience all that Highlander has to offer on camp our beautiful property! Our Kick Off Campers are immersed in camp life with the best of Camp Highlander activities, evening programs and traditions. And of course, Highlander Mudslide!

Session A (13 Days)
GRADES K through 16 years old
Session A is the first two-week session at Camp Highlander. This robust session allows boys and girls to participate in all of our on-camp activities, various off-camp trips, a cabin overnight and some of our most exciting evening programs!

Session B (13 Days)
GRADES K through 16 years old
Session B is identical to Session A in its programming and scheduling, but it also features our biggest party of the year … the Fourth of July! From our Stars & Stripes competition to our cookout on the field, we pull out all the stops to celebrate our nation’s birthday in spectacular fashion! We even conclude the festivities each year with our highly-anticipated annual fireworks show!

While off-camp activities such as whitewater rafting are limited during these mid-length sessions, A and B still provide the most incredible experiences for new campers and returning campers alike. Whether it’s your first taste of a multi-week session or you’re a seasoned veteran, our two-week sessions provide lifelong memories and friendships that will have you counting down the days until next summer!

Session C - (16 days)
8 years to 16 years old
Session C is our longest and most intense session of the summer. It offers two and one half weeks of activities including various off-camp adventures, cabin overnights and our most electrifying evening programs! The most exciting highlight of Session C for Boys and Girls Camp, however, is one of our oldest Camp Highlander traditions … Color War!

During the four-day, camp-wide competition that is Color War, all of camp (campers and counselors alike) is split between two teams to compete in a variety of events – from board games and dance routines to relay races and rope burning! With sporting events, educational events, arts events and more, every camper has a chance to participate, contribute and enjoy the fun!

Female and Male Cabin Counselors
At Camp Highlander, we pride ourselves on our family culture environment. The foundation of our family culture is our cabin unit in which 10 campers and two cabin counselors journey through each day at Highlander as a unit. Our cabin counselors foster this family environment by genuinely loving our campers, making personal sacrifices for them daily & ensuring that each camper feels they belong to the Highlander family.

We are looking for selfless, understanding and energetic individuals who are 18 years or older and have complete their senior year in High School and are interested in being a positive role model for our campers.

Activity Counselors
Our Activity Counselors are uniquely trained, certified and/or educated staff members in a particular activity area or discipline who have a passion for teaching & working with children. They enjoy sharing their knowledge & skills with our campers while helping them grow and develop their skills. Our activity counselors must show the same unconditional love & acceptance to our campers while allowing them to discover more about who they are through the various programs at camp. Activity Counselors must be 18 years or older, having completed their freshman year of college.

For more information please visit Our Camp Website Link: or send an email to email[AT]

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Camp Highlander

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Laurel Ridge Camp, Conference & Retreat Center
Laurel Springs, North Carolina

Visit Our Laurel Ridge Camp, Conference & Retreat Center Website

124 Pendry Drive
Laurel Springs, North Carolina 28644

Watch Our Laurel Ridge Camp, Conference & Retreat Center Video

CAMPER AGES: 8 to 18

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Summer Camp, Mission Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian. Owned and operated by the Moravian Church in America, Southern Province.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Laurel Ridge offers week-long residential summer camps for youth age 8 to 18 and who have completed grade 3 up to grade 12 within the same calendar year. Each week campers are able to explore and strengthen their faith in a community that is supportive and nurturing. They are also able to connect with their environment as they participate in outdoor activities such as hands-on environmental education, swimming, hiking, caving, and canoeing.

An introductory 3 day camp is offered to youth who have completed grades 1 and 2

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Soccer, Science, and more.

Laurel Ridge Camp, Conference & Retreat Center is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Laurel Springs North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Dance, Science, Wilderness/Nature and more. Laurel Ridge Camp, Conference & Retreat Center is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 8 to 18.

CAMP LOCATION: Nestled in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains, only two minutes away from the Blue Ridge Parkway; Laurel Ridge is located about 30 minutes North of North Wilkesboro, West of Sparta, and East of West Jefferson, NC. We are situated on over 600 acres of beautiful wilderness at the apex of a mountain ridge with spectacular vistas from overviews in every direction! It's a sight you must see to believe!

CAMP FACILITIES: Laurel Ridge Summer Camp has 4 Lodge units, each with 4 sleeping cabins. The Lodges house a meeting space with a fireplace, a small kitchen, and bathroom facilities including showers. The sleeping cabins have bunk beds and single beds and can sleep 12 people in each unit. There is a commercial kitchen with a Dining Hall, an Activity Center for basketball and other games, a 3 acre lake for swimming and canoeing, and miles of hiking trails with breathtaking views. We also have a sports slab for outdoor games like basketball, dodge-ball, volleyball, and square dancing! There is a Group Interactive Course that is excellent for team building and confidence boosting exercises. For adult groups or business organizations, Laurel Ridge has a 48 room hotel and conference center with small to large meeting spaces and a full service kitchen and staff to host your next leadership conference or retreat! Visit our website for more information!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Laurel Ridge is associated with the PCCCA ( and ACA ( and complies with all safety regulations to ensure that every parent can rest assured their camper will have the best possible camping experience! All of our volunteer counselors and paid staff undergo background and drug testing before they can be accepted as part of summer staff. Our kitchen staff is led by ServSafe certified cooks and food handlers. We are a Moravian Christian Camp and our mission is to be"...a mountain place set apart for forming disciples of Jesus Christ who live and learn in community to serve in the world."

In 2018 we offer 4 Mission Camp opportunities - a chance to reach into the community with a caring touch and help families in need with physical labor and repair on homes and landscaping. We also offer an Arts Camp that will explore various media of art such as drawing/painting, audio/video, music, poetry, dance, etc. Every Summer Camp offers an ecological education piece to help connect campers to the nature surrounding them. Laurel Ridge is the place to be in 2018!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Many Moravian Churches offer partial financial assistance to campers interested in attending Laurel Ridge. We also have funds available to help families have the opportunity to send one or multiple students to a week of Summer Camp at Laurel Ridge! Visit our website for contact information.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): 2018 Family Camp
April 27-29 and September 21-23, 2018

So many families are finding Family Camp a rewarding experience every year at Laurel Ridge! Don't miss out on the fun-filled weekend that may prove to be life changing for you, your kids, and your family! Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Laurel Ridge hosts many church and business retreats and conferences throughout the year. We can accommodate almost any size event from school leadership retreats, church group getaways, non-profit board retreats, and business conferences. Visit our website for events and planning details.

Laurel Ridge, offers campers a chance to explore & strengthen their faith in a setting that allows them to connect with the outdoors through activities such as swimming, hiking, canoeing, & environmental education.There is only ONE Laurel Ridge Experience!!

Week long camps for Junior age to Adults are $450 per camper and weekend camp for Pre-Junior is $225 per camper. Visit Our Camp Website Link: for all the details!

Have you dreamed about serving God in the most beautiful place in the world? Now is your chance! Laurel Ridge is currently accepting applications for the Laurel Ridge 2018 M-Staff through March 2, 2018. M-Staff are summer maintenance staff that help keep Laurel Ridge in operating order while interacting with campers and counselors to enhance their summer camp experience. Interested applicants can find out more by contacting the camp office and watching the website for details - Our Camp Website Link:

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Laurel Ridge Camp Conference and Retreat Center

There are 25 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Elite Sports Camp
Sanford, North Carolina

Visit Our Elite Sports Camp Website
2100 Country Club Dr
Sanford, North Carolina 27332

2100 Country Club Dr. Sanford, NC 27332


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Two Week Day Camp 8-5:30pm - Extended Care, Lunch, & Payment Plans Included at no additional charge

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Open to the public, you do not have to live in Carolina Trace or be a member at the country club to attend the sports camp. 

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Elite Sports Camp is an exciting 2 week day camp offered from 8am-5:30pm for ages 6-14! Campers gain foundations in Golf, Tennis, Swimming, and Yoga from top coaches in the country!

Adventure, Swimming, Team Sports, Tennis, Golf, and more. Yoga

CAMP LOCATION: We are located off of highway 87 in Sanford, North Carolina inside of the Carolina Trace Community on 2 18-hole golf courses!

CAMP FACILITIES: Outdoor pool, tenis, and golf facilities with an indoor yoga studio inside the beautiful Carolina Trace Country Club surrounded by Lake Trace!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Coach Andre P. Panet-Raymond - PGA Master Professional & Ranked A Top 50 Teacher in the United States by US Kids Golf!

Coach Ashley Graves - USA Swimming Coach - Founder & CEO of Streamline Teams, The Swim Coach Network, an internationally recognized swim coach organization!

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: $200 off for Military Families - Military2023

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): June - 1 Session
July - 2 Sessions
August - 2 Sessions

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Carolina Trace Country Club offers youth golf lessons year round for those with continued interest in working with Coach Andre!

OTHER CAMP INFO: Payment Plans, Lunch, and Extended Care are offered at no additional charge.

Head to our website to see a detailed camper schedule and available sessions.

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Elite Sports Camp

There are 24 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Talisman Programs
Zirconia, NC

Visit Our Talisman Programs Website
64 Gap Creek Rd.
Zirconia, NC 28790

Watch Our Talisman Programs Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Talisman Programs provide exceptional summer camp opportunities for young people ages 6-22 with Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADHD and other learning differences. Since 1980 our ACA-accredited programs have been offering unique alternatives to ordinary summer camps. We provide a structured, nurturing environment within an exciting adventure program in which our campers can have a successful summer while increasing social skills, a sense of personal responsibility and a more positive self-image.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: All of our programs are specifically designed for young people with ADHD, Asperger's Syndrome, high-functioning autism, and similar learning differences. We combine a traditional camp environment with structured programming and a highly-trained staff to help campers increase responsibility, problem-solving, and social skills while having a great time.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Science, Travel, and more. Backpacking, Canoeing, Caving, Tree-climbing, Rock-climbing, Archery, Slingshots, Ziplining, Tubing & Inflatable Kayaking

Talisman Programs is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Zirconia North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Travel, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming and more. Talisman Programs is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 6-22.

CAMP LOCATION: Talisman is located in the small town of Zirconia, in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina, just south of Asheville. We're surrounded by woodlands, close to the Pisgah National Forest, and easy to reach from Atlanta, Charlotte, and Greenville, SC.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our 60-acre campus includes 4 bunkhouses, a comfortable dining hall, outdoor pool, gym, campfire circle, athletic fields, infirmary, and a canoe pond.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Talisman offers a variety of camp programs for kids with ADHD or on the autism spectrum, divided by age. Younger campers join one of our campus-based programs and join in traditional camp activities, from rock-climbing and hiking, to swimming, archery, and arts and crafts. Older campers choose from a number of expedition-based programs, including backpacking, canoeing, climbing and caving.

All staff receive over 2 weeks of training in both hard skills (First Aid, Lifeguarding, camping skills, bus driving) and soft skills (building relationships, problem-solving, understanding of our population, etc.). All staff receive a background check and drug screen, and go through a thorough interview and reference check process.

Talisman Programs has been ACA-accredited since 1988. We operate in the National Forests under permit. Staff leading more involved activities (e.g., rock climbing) hold certifications in facilitation and safety in those areas.

Talisman has been providing programs for special needs populations since 1980, refining our focus over the years to ADHD and autism. We believe every child wants to do well, and that each child has unique strengths, struggles, and outlooks on life. We use a variety of tools and approaches to meet each child where he or she is and help them meet their objectives in socially appropriate and fulfilling ways.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Teens ages 14-17 and young adults 18-22 can take our Leadership course to develop more advanced skills. Successful completion can lead to acceptance to our Krewe program, an on-campus job-skill-building session. This is an invitation-only program for returning campers who qualify.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We established the Talisman Scholarship fund through the American Camp Association, allowing for tax-deductible contributions. Scholarships are limited and partial, based on need. For more information on both donating and applying, please contact our office.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Talisman offers Teen Adevnture Programs each year. This year offer a Caves and Mining session, exploring caves and rocks of the southeast and into Kentucky.

We also offer programs for young adults 18-22 who are looking to improve their independent living and social skills. The session combines the best of campus activities with an introduction to aspects of adult life and the social world.

And we top off the summer with a 7-day session just for beginners, including 6-7-year-olds! Great introduction to the camp experience.

Session 1: June 11- June 17
Session 2: June 20- July 2
Session 3: July 5 - July 17
Session 4: July 20 - August 1
Session 5: August 4- August 10

Please visit our website for complete session and fee information.

Talisman seeks counselors with a background in psychology, education, social work, and similar fields, who are motivated to work with our camper population. Counselors live on-campus, in cabins with the campers, and lead activities and social coaching for their group. Two weeks of intensive training is provided, along with consistent support from a strong administrative team.

For more information on employment opportunities, please visit our website.

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Talisman Programs

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Jibtopia Wake Park Kids Wakeboarding Clinic
Semora, North Carolina

Visit Our Jibtopia Wake Park Kids Wakeboarding Clinic Website
15748 NC HIGHWAY 119 N
Semora, North Carolina 27343


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Want your child to learn something new this summer, while having fun, AND think you are the best parent in the world?! You can keep their mind engaged while they are staying active and having fun outside! Most kids tell their parents it’s the most fun camp they have ever been to and they don’t want to go home! We offer this 5-day program 5 times throughout the summer for kids ages 7 & up with both an overnight and daily option.

Team Sports, and more. Wakeboarding

CAMP LOCATION: Located north of Raleigh, NC, and Durham, NC, south of Danville, VA, east of Greensboro, NC and west of Rocky Mount, NC. The event is within a 1-hour drive from Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Greensboro, Henderson, Oxford, Hillsborough, Elon, Burlington, Roxboro, High Point in North Carolina and Danville, South Boston, Martinsville, South Hill in Virginia. It’s also located within a few miles of Hyco Lake and Virginia International Raceway (VIR). Click here to see the map.

Please visit Our Camp Website Link: for more information!

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Jibtopia Wake Park Kids Wakeboarding Clinic

There are 22 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Center
Reidsville, NC

Visit Our Betsy Jeff Penn 4-H Center Website
804 Cedar Lane
Reidsville, NC 27320


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Weekly Sunday thru Friday Programs

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): North Carolina State University, 4-H.


Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Academics, and more.


July Camp Available: $485 per week for overnight camp
June-August Day Camp Available: $240 for 2 weeks

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Betsy Jeff Penn 4H Center

There are 21 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

US Sports/Nike Camps
North Carolina Location(s)

Visit Our US Sports/Nike Camps Website
800-645-3226 (Nike Camps)
800-433-6060 (All other camps)
800-406-3926 (NBC Camps)
877-308-7325 (Peak Performance Swim Camps)
888-780-2267 (Vogelsinger Soccer Academy)

Over 700 Camp Locations Across the US & Canada


US Sports Camps, Inc.
1010 B Street, Suite 450
San Rafael, CA 94901

Watch Our US Sports/Nike Camps Video

CAMPER AGES: Most junior camps accept participants between the ages of 10-18, however some of our day camps will accept those as young as 5. Adult programs offered, too. See our camp specific web pages to find out exact ages for each program.

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekend programs available in some areas. International campers welcome.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Now celebrating over 40 years of camp! We offer camps across a variety of sports which run for one, two or three consecutive sessions across the US and Canada. USSC partners with the country's best coaches to direct our camps at top-rated, professionally-equipped training facilities. International programs offered, too.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Swimming, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Baseball, Football, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, and more. Other Camps: Crew, Field Hockey, Lacrosse, MultiSport, Rugby, Running, Ultimate, Waterpolo, Gymnastics, Hockey, & Yoga.

CAMP LOCATION: Over 700 Locations throughout the US and Canada. International locations, too. Please visit our website for a complete list of camps offered near you, at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Our camps are offered at top-rated, professionally equipped sports training facilities.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Sports are FUN, but they are more fun when you get better! Our professional, passionate, and positive coaches will help your child become a better player and a more inspired athlete. Camp provides the perfect opportunity to improve skills, make new friends, laugh hard, and smile a lot. Our Mission is to shape a lifelong enjoyment of athletics through high quality sports education and skill enhancement while consistently exceeding the expectations of our customers!

During the summer of 2014 more than 70,000 US and international campers attended a US Sports Camps program. US Sports Camps currently offers 24 programs in 15 different sports.

Our summer sports camps include: Baseball, Basketball, Crew, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Gymnastics, Lacrosse, Multi-Sport, Rugby, Running, Soccer, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Ultimate, Volleyball, Waterpolo, and Yoga. We also offer several International sports camps around the world. Our sports camps continue to grow thanks to an outstanding community of Camp Directors and the dedication of the entire USSC staff. We expect 2015, our 41st year in business, to be our best year ever. We look forward to seeing you at camp!

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Many of our sports camps offer sessions and special weekend clinics year-round. Please contact us for details.

For complete information regarding summer camp sessions and fees, please visit our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

Each camp director is responsible for hiring their own staff and typically hire in late winter and early spring. If you are interested in applying for a position, please email the appropriate sport mailbox at Our Camp Website Link: and we will forward on your information to any director looking for additional staff.

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US SportsNike Camps

There are 20 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

One Step Programs
North Carolina Location(s)

Visit Our One Step Programs Website

300 Conference Point Road
Williams Bay, Wisconsin 53191

Park City, Utah
Springfield, Illinois
Chicago, Illinois
Washington DC
Walworth, Wisconsin
Charlotte, North Carolina
Mauston, Wisconsin

213 W. Institute Pl. Suite 511
Chicago, Illinois   60610


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. 3-day, up to two-week long programs

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: We are an organization that provides programs to help campers with the special medical needs that they may have as a result of treatment for cancer.

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: We are an organization that provides programs to help campers with the special medical needs that they may have as a result of treatment for cancer.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Basketball, Baseball, Golf, Sailing, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Our main program is located on the the beachfront of Lake Geneva, approximately 1 hour from Milwaukee, and 1 1/2 hours Northwest of Chicago, Ill.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: While we only ask parents for 10% of the cost, for a camper to attend a program, we offer partial or full camperships for families who may not be able to afford the tuition for a program.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We have a Brain Tumor Family Camp that is specifically designed for families with a child with a Brain Tumor diagnosis, and/or a Brain Tumor Survivor.

In addition, we have out "general" Family Camp for families with a child that has a cancer diagnosis, and/or are a survivor.

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One Step Programs

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The Talented Tenth Summer Academy
Charlotte, North Carolina

Visit Our The Talented Tenth Summer Academy Website
1500 Rocky River Road W
Charlotte, North Carolina 28213


TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. 7:30am - 6pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers. All Boy Campers. All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

Daily Academics
Meals Provided
Culinary Arts
Arts & Craft
Field trips
Carowinds, fishing, skating, bowling, swimming, movies, Laser Quest, etc...

Adventure, Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Team Sports, Basketball, Cheerleading, Football, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Weightloss, Computers, Math, Academics, Science, Technology, and more.

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The Talented Tenth Summer Academy

There are 18 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Camp Crestridge for Girls
Ridgecrest, North Carolina

Visit Our Camp Crestridge for Girls Website
105 Balsam Rd.
Ridgecrest, North Carolina 28770

PO Box 279
Ridgecrest, NC 28770

Watch Our Camp Crestridge for Girls Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Camp Crestridge-Impacting lives for God’s glory through discipleship and adventure. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC, our camps are designed for individual attention, maximum fun, and the safety of each child. We facilitate camper growth, offering 25+ activities at each camp taught by solid Christian role models.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Tennis, Soccer, Academics, Travel, and more. We Also Provide Archery, Riflery, Lacrosse, Bible Study, Needlecraft, Sewing, Cooking, Drawing, Rock Climbing, Mountain Biking, Outdoor Living, Guitar, Djembe, Ceramics, Water Aerobics, Wood Working & Hiking.

Camp Crestridge for Girls is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Ridgecrest North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Fine Arts/Crafts, Team Sports, Horses/Equestrian and more. Camp Crestridge for Girls is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 7-17.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Crestridge for Girls is nestled high in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. This landscape is ideal for an incredible traditional camping experience with creeks, waterfalls, forestland, and hiking/biking trails all waiting for you. Located just 20 minutes east of Asheville, the advantages this area has to offer are astounding.

Within a short drive are some of the best rivers, trails, rock faces, and national forests you’ll ever find. Western North Carolina offers a distinct four seasons and a wonderful summer climate with temperatures typically in the 70’s to mid 80’s. People come from all over the world to see the beauty God has graced this area with. Now it’s your turn…come this summer to see for yourself why Crestridge is such a special place.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 46 cabins, a Dining Hall, Chapel, Swimming Pool, lake for swimming and other water activities (blob, slide, zipline), amphitheater for campfire, gym, pavilion, fields, equestrian center, crafts centers, infirmary, administration building, camp store, museum, tennis courts, Climbing Tower with additional elements and more.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Ridgecrest Summer Camps: Impacting lives for God’s glory through discipleship and adventure. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC, our camps are designed for individual attention, maximum fun, and the safety of each child. We facilitate camper growth by offering a Christian camp program that has been around for 130 combined years. Camp Ridgecrest for Boys and Camp Crestridge for Girls each offer 25+ activities taught by solid Christian role models. Our staff are highly trained, committed believers with a heart for children/youth ministry. Both camps are accredited by the American Camp Association and Christian Camp and Conference Association. Join us for an unforgettable experience of fun encompassing physical, mental, social, and spiritual growth.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Available to 17 year olds at Camp Crestridge for Girls. The SALT Program is for former campers or those new to camp who wish to be part of camp life, but more importantly seek to develop leadership, service, and discipleship abilities. SALT participants live together under the supervision of a director who is typically upperclassmen in college or a college graduate. Spaces are limited to 14 per session. Sessions last 4 weeks. The cost of the program is $800 (a quarter of what it would cost as a camper). This money goes back into the SALT program to pay for their trips, entertainment and basic needs in order to increase the quality of their time and training while at camp. The SALT program has three main components: service, discipleship, and fellowship. The camp administration sees this as a vital part of developing the long-term leadership of Camp Crestridge and beyond. The SALT positions are typically filled by Christmas.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We have limited scholarships available. Please e-mail rscamps[AT] to receive a Scholarship Application.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Imagine spending a long weekend with your entire family at Camp! Stay together in a cabin with your own restrooms, and enjoy a weekend in the mountains. Swim as a family, play one of our famous Camp-Wide games, go hiking together, visit our crafts lodge or ceramics studio, enjoy fantastic food, sit by a campfire, rock in a rocking chair, shoot a rifle, or learn to shoot the bow and arrow. Family Camp is held over Labor Day Weekend, August 31-September 3.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Do you ever have trouble thinking of something to do with your daughter? What does valuable time with your daughter look like? We have a great option! We are excited to provide you with an opportunity to join your daughter at camp and share life changing experiences and fun memories.

You can act like a kid again by going off the Blob or down the zipline and slide at the lake, sneaking through the woods playing Sockwar, sitting around the campfire on a cool fall evening, having a paint war on the green, challenging yourself on the climbing wall, painting pottery in the ceramics studio, learning to shoot a bow and arrow or rifle and so much more. The best part about this…you can do it all with your daughter!

Aside from the activities, you’ll be able to experience God’s love through His creation, hear from God’s Word, and have devotional times with your daughter. Camp Crestridge is not simply a place where your girls can grow as individuals; it’s a place where you can grow together as a family! Our Mother & Daughter Camp will be August 24-26. Registration is open!

13 Day Sessions - $2130
6/3/18 - 6/15/18
6/17/18 - 6/29/18
7/1/18 - 7/13/18
7/15/18 - 7/27/18
Starter Camp - 7/29/18 - 8/3/18 - $840 (new campers completed grades 1-5 only)

27 Day Sessions - $4010
6/3/18 - 6/29/18
6/17/18 - 7/13/18
7/1/18 - 7/27/18

41 Day Sessions - $6015
6/3/18 - 7/13/18
6/17/18 - 7/27/18

55 Day Session - $8020
6/3/18 - 7/27/18

Horseback Director
Horseback Assistants
Rock Climbing Instructor

Please refer to Our Camp Website Link: for job descriptions.

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Camp Crestridge for Girls

There are 17 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Green River Preserve
Cedar Mountain, North Carolina

Visit Our Green River Preserve Website
301 Green River Road
Cedar Mountain, North Carolina 28718

Watch Our Green River Preserve Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Residential

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: The signature of Green River Preserve's program is the mentor hike. Led by mentor naturalists, campers explore forest, streams, and hidden valleys of the Preserve. Filled with adventure, discovery, and a heightened appreciation of the natural world, campers learn to use all of their senses as they play under waterfalls, crawl into caves, explore archaeological sites, track wildlife, and taste edible plants.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Team Sports, Soccer, Academics, Science, Travel, and more. Green River Preserve Is A Coed Summer Camp Connecting Children With Nature.

Mountain Biking
Whitewater Canoeing
Rock Climbing
Farm To Table Program

CAMP LOCATION: Located on a 3,400 acre private wildlife preserve in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Western North Carolina and adjacent to DuPont State Forest, this extraordinary natural setting has inspired sustainability leadership since 1988. Please visit our website for videos and photos of Green River Preserve.

CAMP FACILITIES: Green River Preserve base camp is comprised of the main lodge which houses our dining hall, theater and music rooms, pottery studio, artifacts collection, and camp store.

Additional facilities include: the Health Hut, Craft Corner, Cordwood cottage Painting studio, exterior and interior climbing walls and postman's walk, Pioneer Cabin (crafts and cooking), mountain biking shop, woodworking facility, archery range, BB skeet range, yoga gazebo, creative writing gazebo, canoe docking, swimming lake, and spring fed fishing pond. Our farm to table program is supplied by our camp organic farm.

Campers live in cabin groups of up to six, with their respective counselors. Each cabin is a duplex joined by a central bathroom. Campers sleep on bunkbeds.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: A wide variety of activities such as nature, hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, kayaking, canoeing, outdoor skills, environmental science, fly fishing, music, guitar, art, theater, pottery, woodworking, archery, and BB skeet foster life time learning skills.

Unique to our activities is our partnership with the Flat Rock Playhouse, the state theater of North Carolina, for our residential theater camp; an artist-in-residency program with nationally acclaimed artists; access to DuPont State Recreational Forest for mountain biking; and a partnership with Trout Unlimited for a their 'Summer on the Fly' summer camp fly fishing program.

Green River Preserve's program and activities offer quality, intentional, experiential learning opportunities that spark diversity of thought and creativity.

The signature of Green River Preserve's program is the mentor hike. Led by mentor naturalists, campers explore forest, streams, and hidden valleys of the Preserve. Filled with adventure, discovery, and a heightened appreciation of the natural world, campers learn to use all of their senses as they play under waterfalls, crawl into caves, explore archaeological sites, track wildlife, and taste edible plants.

Green River Preserve's high school expedition trips are adventures and community building programs designed to develop outdoor skills, teamwork, and leadership opportunities. GRP offers four different expedition trips: Blue Ridge, a two week backpacking and whitewater canoe trip in the Appalachian Mountains of North Carolina Mountains; Outer Banks, a two week backpacking and sea kayaking rip on the Outer Banks of North Carolina; Trail Blazers, a three week leadership service trip including a backpacking and canoe trip; and Western Expeditions, a three week backpacking and white water rafting trip in the San Juan Mountains of Southwest Colorado.

The hallmark of Green River Preserve is to teach young people to be better stewards of the land. Since 1988, sustainability has been woven into the very fabric of Green River Preserve. Our farm to table program is just one of our many efforts in sustainability leadership. Our partnership with Leave no Trace provides campers with guidelines for low impact camping. A conservation easement with Carolina Mountain Land Trust safeguards the future of the Preserve's land for generations of campers. Green River Preserve is a GREEN AMERICA APPROVED business.


YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: S.E.E. - School of Environmental Education - residential programs for school groups.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Missy and Sandy Schenck are the Executive Directors of Green River Preserve. Each camp season, staff are interviewed by the directors and carefully selected with regard to maturity, sensitivity, intellectual achievement, and integrity as role models. Our staff is trained to ensure all campers get the rich and rewarding experience they should expect from Green River Preserve. Our camper to staff ratio is 3 to 1.

Green River Preserve is a safe and comfortable place, both physically and emotionally. Purposefully small, our enrollment is limited to 104 campers per session. Green River Preserve offers 1,2, and 3 week summer camp sessions for campers in the rising 2nd through 9th grades and high school expedition programs for rising 9th graders through college freshmen.

Summer camp tuition fees range from $2,250 - $3,500 and high school expedition fees range from $2,700-$3,900.

The 2014 summer camp season opens on June 8th and ends on August 8th.

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Green River Preserve

There are 16 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Camp Ridgecrest for Boys
Ridgecrest, North Carolina

Visit Our Camp Ridgecrest for Boys Website
290 Yates Ave.
Ridgecrest, North Carolina 28770

PO Box 279
Ridgecrest, NC 28770

Watch Our Camp Ridgecrest for Boys Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Ridgecrest Summer Camps-Impacting lives for God’s glory through discipleship and adventure. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC, our camps are designed for individual attention, maximum fun, and the safety of each child. We facilitate camper growth, offering 25+ activities at each camp taught by solid Christian role models.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Football, Tennis, Soccer, Weightloss, Technology, Travel, and more. We Also Offer Wood Working, Archery, Bible Study, Guitar, Indian Lore, Mountain Biking, Outdoor Living, Airsoft, Riflery, Rock Climbing, Rocketry, Cup Stacking, Disc Sports, Chess, Lacrosse, Man Skill, Volleyball, & Trash Line.

Camp Ridgecrest for Boys is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Ridgecrest North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Adventure, Tennis, Music/Band and more. Camp Ridgecrest for Boys is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 7-17.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Ridgecrest for Boys is nestled high in the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. This landscape is ideal for an incredible traditional camping experience with creeks, waterfalls, forestland, and hiking/biking trails all waiting for you. Much of our surrounding area is protected land. Located just 20 minutes east of Asheville, the advantages this area has to offer are astounding.

Within a short drive are some of the best rivers, trails, rock faces, and national forests you’ll ever find. Western North Carolina offers a distinct four seasons and a wonderful summer climate with temperatures typically in the 70’s to mid 80’s. People come from all over the world to see the beauty God has graced this area with. Now it’s your turn…come this summer to see for yourself why Ridgecrest is such a special place.

CAMP FACILITIES: Once you drive up through the front gate, you know immediately that you have found a very special place. Camp offers great facilities including:

15 acre lake with 2 blobs, a rope swing, a floating dock, a Zipline, a Glacier, canoes, kayaks and paddleboards
2 Gymnasiums
Dining Hall with fine food preparation facilities
43’ Climbing Wall with 2 climbing faces
Indoor Climbing facility: The Bouldering Bungalow
Low Ropes Course with 15 elements
3 “Greens”: playing fields for every type of game imaginable
Horsemanship facilities with 2 riding areas
A multitude of hiking and biking trails with campsites dotting the camp ridgeline
Sand volleyball court
Baseball diamond with backstop
Soccer field and soccer training board
Archery Range
Riflery Range with short and long distance targeting stations
Arts and Crafts building with multiple programming options
Rocketry Lodge with numerous rocket-building choices
Weight Lifting gym with multiple bench sets, dumbbells, bars, and squatracks
Chapel with complete sound system and AV control
4 Outdoor Chapels
Ping Pong Porch
Outdoor Paintball Course
Wood Working Shop
40 Camper Cabins
6 private bath-houses complete with at least 5 showers and
private changing stalls (with at least 4 toilets, 2 urinals, and 8 sinks)
Health Center, housing 3 full time medical staff

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Ridgecrest Summer Camps: Impacting lives for God’s glory through discipleship and adventure. Located in the Blue Ridge Mountains of NC, our camps are designed for individual attention, maximum fun, and the safety of each child. We facilitate camper growth by offering a Christian camp program that has been around for 130 combined years. Camp Ridgecrest for Boys and Camp Crestridge for Girls each offer 25+ activities taught by solid Christian role models. Our staff are highly trained, committed believers with a heart for children/youth ministry. Both camps are accredited by the American Camp Association and Christian Camp and Conference Association. Join us for an unforgettable experience of fun encompassing physical, mental, social, and spiritual growth.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Available to 17 year olds at Camp Ridgecrest for Boys. The SALT Program is for former campers or those new to camp who wish to be part of camp life, but more importantly seek to develop leadership, service, and discipleship abilities. SALT participants live together under the supervision of a director who is typically upperclassmen in college or a college graduate. Spaces are limited to 7-10 per session. Sessions last 4 weeks. The cost of the program is $800 (a quarter of what it would cost as a camper). This money goes back into the SALT program to pay for their trips, entertainment and basic needs in order to increase the quality of their time and training while at camp. The SALT program has three main components: service, discipleship, and fellowship. The camp administration sees this as a vital part of developing the long-term leadership of Camp Ridgecrest and beyond. SALT positions are typically given by Christmas.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Limited Scholarships are available. E-mail rscamps[AT] to receive a Scholarship Application.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): You have seen the life change in your campers after a 2 or 4 week experience with Ridgecrest Summer Camps. Now imagine spending a long weekend with your entire family at Camp! Stay together in a cabin with your own restrooms, and enjoy a weekend in the mountains. Swim as a family, play one of our famous Camp-Wide games, go hiking together, visit our crafts lodge or ceramics studio, enjoy fantastic food, sit by a campfire, rock in a rocking chair, shoot a rifle, or learn to shoot the bow and arrow. Family Camp will take place over Labor Day Weekend, August 31-September 3.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We are creating a chance for you to share the Camp Ridgecrest experience with your son. Each summer at camp, your boy creates life changing memories and moments that help shape him into a Godly young man. We believe that it is important to provide dads with an opportunity to join your sons in this journey that can’t be replicated anywhere else.

Join us as we let "boys-be-boys" by playing hard, creating relationships, and experiencing God’s love in the middle of His creation. Dads, let us help set you up as the hero in your son’s life. Build your relationship through shared experiences that can only happen here.

Imagine you and your son Blobbing together, going off the zip line, down the slide, through the mud pit, up the climbing wall, around the campfire, down the trail, and in the cabin. Imagine playing Sockwar on the same team, throwing water balloons, going fishing, shooting a rifle or a bow and arrow. Imagine praying together, asking questions and actually getting answers.

Camp Ridgecrest is not simply a place where your boys can grow as individuals; it’s a place where you can grow together as a family. Father & Son Camp will take place August 24-26. Registration is open!

13 Day Sessions - $2130
6/3/18 - 6/15/18
6/17/18 - 6/29/18
7/1/18 - 7/13/18
7/15/18 - 7/27/18
Starter Camp - 7/29/18 - 8/3/18 - $840 (new campers completed grades 1-5 only)

27 Day Sessions - $4010
6/3/18 - 6/29/18
6/17/18 - 7/13/18
7/1/18 - 7/27/18

41 Day Sessions - $6015
6/3/18 - 7/13/18
6/17/18 - 7/27/18

55 Day Session - $8020
6/3/18 - 7/27/18

We are looking for college students who love Jesus and love kids. This is a full summer commitment from the end of May to the end of July. We have several positions available, all are paid positions:

Jobs include: Counselor, Mountain Biking Instructor, Rock Climbing Instructor, Photographer, Videographer and more.

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Camp Ridgecrest for Boys

There are 15 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

YMCA Camp Weaver
Greensboro, North Carolina

Visit Our YMCA Camp Weaver Website
4924 Tapawingo Trail
Greensboro, North Carolina 27406


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Weekend options available.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Theater, Team Sports, Basketball, and more. Our Activities Include: Canoes/Kayaks, Arts & Crafts, Jewelry Making, Pottery, Outdoor Living Skills, Horse Camp, Skateboarding, High & Low Ropes Course, Radio, Multi-media, Dance, Drama, BB Guns, Archery, Organic Garden

CAMP LOCATION: YMCA Camp Weaver is an exceptional facility located in beautiful Southeast Greensboro, North Carolina. We are just a short drive away, conveniently positioned only 15-20 minutes from downtown Greensboro with easy access to I-85/40. Our Camp consists of 100 Acres of gorgeous rolling hills, wooded areas, fields, hiking trails, lakes, creeks, shaded spaces and modern facilities that provide an ideal setting for our high quality programs.

Our premier programs include summer overnight camp, summer day camp, outdoor education and service learning opportunities for schools as well as group rentals/retreats.

YMCA Camp Weaver is accredited by the American Camp Association.

The mission of the YMCA of Greensboro is to put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Camp Weaver focuses is on Youth Development, nurturing the potential of every child and teen.

Call us anytime with questions or to schedule a tour at (336) 697-0525.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 10 modern cabins, outdoor pool, beautiful lake for swimming and canoeing, 2 recreation/dining halls, outdoor basketball courts, 2 covered pavilions, a massive covered play area, amphitheater, equestrian center, high and low ropes course for teambuilding. See our facilities at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: YMCA Camp Weaver is accredited by the American Camp Association.

The mission of the YMCA of Greensboro is to put Judeo-Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. Camp Weaver focuses on Youth Development, nurturing the potential of every child and teen.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Our Counselor in Training (CIT) and Leader in Training (LIT) programs are designed for teens that want to build leadership skills while learning what it takes to be a great camp counselor. These programs will help teens explore their talents as individuals and in groups. More information here: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Please call for more information on financial assistance.


YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Available for corporate conferences and retreats and outdoor education field trips year-round. More info here: Our Camp Website Link:

See website for availability.

We start hiring in January for the following summer. More info here: Our Camp Website Link:

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YMCA Camp Weaver

There are 14 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Camp Pinnacle
Hendersonville, North Carolina

Visit Our Camp Pinnacle Website
1 Wolfe Lake Drive
Hendersonville, North Carolina 28739

Watch Our Camp Pinnacle Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Tennis, Soccer, Academics, Travel, and more. Unplug & Discover The Classic Two-week North Carolina Mountain Summer Camp Experience.

CAMP LOCATION: Camp Pinnacle is located in the heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Flat Rock, North Carolina. The Forested 126 acre campus, with private Wolfe Lake, has been called one of the top ten camp settings in the US. Please visit our website for tons of photos and videos.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Camp Pinnacle, our small, personal size and carefully designed program means that in just two weeks your child can accomplish more than you ever expected! But first, Camp Pinnacle is all about fun and friends. Kids have an absolute blast here, but while they are having the time of their life, something else is happening. We are helping you raise a caring, confident, and independent child equipped with the skills needed to thrive in the 21st century.

We begin by escaping the digital age and replacing it with a stunning mountain campus where a child finds adventure and new friends around every corner. At camp, children can try over 30 exciting activities. Then we add our age-appropriate Venture Programs where every camper gets out of camp and explores the incredible mountain scenery of western North Carolina. There is so much to see and do and so much fun to have, that kids rarely even miss home... or their electronics.


Session 1 June 11th-June 23th
Session 2 July 25th-July 7th
Session 3 July 9th-July 28nd
Session 4 July 30th-August 11th

4 Week Camp-
Combine our first and second sessions to optimize your summer schedule.
5 Week Camp-
Combine our third and fourth sessions for a great summer experience.

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Camp Pinnacle

There are 13 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Special Needs SASP (Special Adventures for Special People) SCUBA Camp
North Carolina Location(s)

Visit Our Special Needs SASP (Special Adventures for Special People) SCUBA Camp Website
The National Training Center
1935 Don Wickham Drive
Clermont, Florida 34711

Daytona, Florida
Lakeland, Florida
Murphy, North Carolina

8092 South Orange Blossom Trail
Orlando, FL 32809

Watch Our Special Needs SASP (Special Adventures for Special People) SCUBA Camp Video

CAMPER AGES: 12 and older

TYPE OF CAMP: Day Camp. Weekdays, Tuesday-Friday, 9 am - 2 pm

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Come and experience the fun and excitement that only The SCUBA Gym can provide. Our program, SASP (Special Adventures for Special People) is having a Spring Break Camp AND Summer Camp for children and adults with disabilities, ages 12 and over. Come Experience an Incredible Week with us!

SPECIAL NEEDS CAMPERS: Buddy up for your water level, whether it be learning to float and swim, snorkel, or explore new adventures of SCUBA Diving. Campers will move through the different divisions as they gain confidence for the next level. During breaks, we will also utilize an outside covered area for crafts and activities shaded from the sun.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Swimming, Team Sports, and more. SCUBA Diving

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in Clermont, 20 minutes west of Orlando, Florida. Our Pool is at The National Training Center and is an Olympic-sized pool with a beach entry for easy wheelchair access.

CAMP FACILITIES: We use an Olympic-sized pool with a beach entry. It is heated year round.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: SASP is a unique SCUBA Program which offers Adaptive SCUBA Programs and SCUBA Therapy Programs for all Special Needs, like Autism, CP, DS, Spina Bifida, Paraplegics, Quadriplegics, Hypotonia and all others that have the desire to learn to SCUBA Dive or just use it as therapy. Check out our Facebook page, The SCUBA Gym for pictures and testimonies.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We do offer year round Adaptive SCUBA Programs for Special Needs and Weekly SCUBA Therapy Programs in Clermont, Florida and Murphy, North Carolina.

Clermont, Florida, March 18, 19, 20 - $99
Lakeland, Florida, March 25, 26, 27
Clermont, Florida, June 9, 10, 11, 12 - $150
Murphy, North Carolina, June 23,24, 25, 26 - $199
Daytona Area, Florida, July 15, 16, 17 - $125
THESE DATES are for 2020

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Special Needs SASP Special Adventures for Special People SCUBA Camp

There are 12 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Camp Don Lee
Arapahoe, NC

Visit Our Camp Don Lee Website
(252) 249-1106 ext 22
315 Camp Don Lee Rd
Arapahoe, NC 28510

Watch Our Camp Don Lee Video

More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

AFFILIATION(S): Christian.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Team Sports, Soccer, Sailing, Weightloss, Computers, Academics, Science, Technology, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 22 miles East of New Bern, North Carolina. We are located on the Neuse River and are a waterfront location with river views from every cabin. We are located about 2.5 hours East from Raleigh, North Carolina down US 70, and are about an hour drive from Morehead City, Beaufort, and Atlantic Beach, North Carolina.

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Don Lee has 12 cabins, a dining hall, fellowship hall, arts and crafts building, brand new Sailing Center, river front rustic amphitheater, large indoor recreation space called the Community Life Center, chlorinated pool/pond, outdoor basketball court, sand volleyball court, creek that is used for canoeing and kayaking, archery range, low-element challenge course, 2 screened-in pavilions, 2 large bath houses, waterfront beach access for sailing, and 30 foot pier.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Don Lee offers a wide variety of programs for all ages from our half-week younger elementary camp for first and second graders to our three-week advanced sailing camp for high school students.

We offer one week of our all-inclusive Camp Don Lee experience every week for campers who have completed 3rd-12th grades. This is the one week sailing-swimming-kayaking-canoeing-archery-drama-arts & crafts-music- hayride-campfire-game playing- best week of your summer-camp!

We also offer Marine Science camps, adventure camps, and advanced sailing camps!

Check out Our Camp Website Link: for more details!

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We also have a phenomenal FAMILY CAMP!

From August 10- 14, join us at Camp Don Lee for the best, hassle-free family vacation you've ever been on.

We open activities and provide the staff and instructors and you just get to spend time having fun with your family. Grandparents, friends, and cousins welcome! Stay in our cabins or bring your RV or Tent!

And the best part is... We cook and clean up! We are famous for our delicious food and it is sure to be the highlight of your experience.

Swim in the pool, take a sailboat ride, do a family craft, and end each day relaxing by the river plus so much more!

Register today!

Fees for one week programs start at $685 and half week programs are $345. More pricing for other specialty camps are online at Our Camp Website Link:

Most Sessions are 1 Week Long. For more specific information on dates please visit Our Camp Website Link:

Week 1: June 9-15, 2013
Week 2: June 16-22, 2013
Week 3: June 23- 29, 2013
Week 4: June 30- July 6, 2013
Week 5: July 7-13, 2013
Week 6: July 14- 20, 2013
Week 7: July 21-27, 2013
Week 8: July 28- August 3, 2013
Week 9: August 4-10, 2013

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Camp Don Lee

There are 11 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

North Carolina Location(s)

97 Rue de la Poste
MEGEVE, Rhônes-Alpes 74120





TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Summer and Winter language holiday in the French Alps with fun French lessons in the morning and sports activities in the afternoon (mountain-biking, rafting, hiking, swimming, snowboarding...). We are unique in that we also welcome French children at the same time to learn English so all activities are done together giving them opportunities to mix. At ILC, children will have the chance to spend their summer with young people from all over the world, studying the language and taking part in their favorite sports. The children are lucky enough to stay in one of the most beautiful hotels in Megève.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Video/Filmmaking/Photography, Dance, Theater, Team Sports, Football, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Sailing, Academics, and more. Language: French Or ESL

FRENCH INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE CAMPS is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in MEGEVE North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Golf, Sailing, Academics and more. FRENCH INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGE CAMPS is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 6-17.

CAMP LOCATION: Our summer and winter camps are located in Megève, a French ski resort with an international reputation. Megève is located in the heart of the Savoy Alps, close to Switzerland and Italy. Located in a preserved mountain environment at 1113 meters, Megève is a village with a delicate charm.

CAMP FACILITIES: At ILC we consider the quality of the accommodations to be an essential condition for the well being of our campers and therefore our programs are organized solely in top quality hotels.

The children appreciate their stay in one of the rooms decorated in the alpine style synonymous with calm, comfort and relaxation. This hotel, very close to the center of Megève and the school, combines tradition and comfort.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: We are delighted that our programs interest you. We are convinced that our camps are the best place to enjoy summer and winter vacations. ILC offers your child an unforgettable summer full of action at the foot of Mont Blanc.
• Study a foreign language by total immersion in an international setting with a multi-lingual team and with campers from all over the world.
• Become an international citizen by living in a multicultural context with continuous interaction among peers, which naturally leads to the respect of others.
• Learn about themselves and blossom by exploring all their talents. Exceed their limits to achieve significant accomplishments through sports and discovery activities, and the creative workshops which comprise much of the daily activities of the camp.

All of this takes place in an environment which is friendly and secure, the essential building blocks of constructive and stimulating learning.

The ILC Leadership program is designed for young teens age 13-15 who are enrolled in the language camps.
Leadership participants enjoy the language camp, at the same time they are given extra responsibilities to practice, develop and demonstrate their leadership skills.
Participants will meet together each day to discuss leadership and their personal skills development
What are the leadership skills?
. Demonstrates organisational skills
. Demonstrates an ability to work with others
. Demonstrates an ability to motivate others
. Demonstrates a willingness to help others
. Able to complete assigned tasks
. Shows initiative and a willingness to learn

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: -10% discount for enrollment before Dec 31st
-5% discount for enrollment before March 31st

OTHER CAMP INFO: How we make the difference:
• Intensive daily language courses with qualified and experienced teachers
• Smaller groups (maximum 8 per class) for language learning for better progression
• The use of multimedia equipment for more fun and interactive lessons
• The quality of the staff who are permanently present with the children with a ratio of 1 qualified counselor to 6 campers
• Sporting activities run by professionals
• The quality of the accommodations in a prestigious hotel ((bathroom in each room) and meals served at the table
• Megève, an authentic Alpine ski resort with exceptional views in an environment which is friendly and secure
• An international clientele, a real cultural mix
• A 20 year experience of organizing camps
• A camp which adapts to each child and looks after their individual needs in a family atmosphere
• Individual care and attention for each child
• The number of campers is limited to 50 to ensure individual attention
• Cultural international between the children from different origins (minimum of 8 nationalities per session)
• Arrive and depart at your convenience : possibility of transfers to and from the airport at any time and the possibility of flexibility with arrival and departure dates
• Available to discuss with parents
• Special diets catered for (for whatever reason: medical, religious, allergies, weight…)
• Will take into account any issues raised beforehand (medical or emotional)
• Camp Director available by telephone 24 hours a day
• Children can be contacted by cellphone
• Laundry service included

Please visit our website to have all the dates and prices.
Summer Camp; From June 28th to August 8th, 2020
Winter camp: From Dec 26 to March 8th, 2020

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There are 10 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

World Scholars Academy
Online Camp

Visit Our World Scholars Academy Website
+1(877) 680-9775

1188 Bishop Street, Suite 1509
Honolulu, HI


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Online.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: World Scholars Academy offers elite summer courses and internships taught by world-leading professional scholars and accompanied by exceptional peers from around the world. Learn advanced study skills and deep conceptual understanding of your subject from the world's most accomplished educators.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Swimming, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Soccer, Computers, Math, Academics, Science, Technology, and more.

Business, Medicine, Law, Engineering, International Relations, Creative Writing

Please refer to our website for up-to-date information.

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World Scholars Academy

There are 9 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Camp Harrison
Boomer, North Carolina

Visit Our Camp Harrison Website
(800) 514-1417 phone
(336) 921-7069 fax

7901 S NC Hwy 18
Boomer, North Carolina 28606

Watch Our Camp Harrison Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: YMCA Camp Harrison is a co-ed overnight camp for kids 6 - 16 located just 90 miles from Charlotte in the mountains of North Carolina. Whether they are digging in the creek, mountain boarding or water trampoline-ing on the lake, kids here discover their competence, make friends and grow in the majesty of God's nature and presence.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Golf, Soccer, Sailing, and more.

Camp Harrison is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Boomer North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Basketball, Adventure, Swimming and more. Camp Harrison is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 6-16.

CAMP LOCATION: YMCA Camp Harrison at Herring Ridge is located on a spectacular tract of land in the Brushy Mountains of North Carolina located between Lenoir and North Wilkesboro just 90 minutes from Charlotte, N.C. There are more than 2,000 acres of woods, streams, and trails centered around private, 140-acre Lake Broyhill.

CAMP FACILITIES: Our 12 log cabins sleep people bunk style. All have air conditioning, heat, showers, restrooms, ceiling fans and water fountains for your comfort.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Camp Harrison's stunning wooded campus provides all the wide open space and clean mountain air kids need to clear their minds and relax their bodies. Over half their waking hours are spent outdoors, enjoying land activities in the mornings and lakefront and water activities in the afternoons. Outside activities exert the body and the mind so campers go to bed tired and happy - but not before a few giggles break out next to the glow of campfire!

YMCA Camp Harrison provides a variety of adrenaline-pumping activities like the ropes course, mountain boarding and archery. Sometimes these activities require multiple tries to master, prompting campers to face fears head-on. The satisfied grins, exuberant fist pumps and cheers of teammates at the finish line encourage kids to try their luck at something else, face new situations with confidence, and configure solutions based on past experiences. Kids discover their competence and character when faced with adversity, and there are few feelings more satisfying than getting better at something. If you can get "big air" on the zip line, then maybe introducing yourself to a new person isn't so scary!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: For rising sophomores, the LIT experience is designed to teach leadership skills including communication, decision-making, and conflict resolution. These skills are taught through many activities from discussions and team building challenges, to speakers and hands-on leadership opportunities; all the while emphasizing the YMCA's core values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and faith.

Our CIT program is geared towards learning the leadership and supervisory skills it takes to be a future part of the Camp Harrison Counselor Staff. Through interaction in our cabins, leading devotions, team building projects, and teaching activities, these rising juniors get hands on experience on what it means to be a leader at Camp.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Financial Assistance is offered to those who qualify and can subsidize 20-80% of the cost of camp for someone in need. If you are in need of a camp scholarship, please complete the forms on our website at: Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Camp Harrison operates from September to June as a retreat center and is an ideal site for groups to meet and enjoy the atmosphere of our lakeside property. We offer a wide range of facilities and program options to best serve you. Whether your goal is to use our accommodations to conduct your own programming or to call on our staff to lead selected activities for your group, our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all.

Visit our website for more information on dates and rates at: Our Camp Website Link:

For more information about summer camp jobs at YMCA Camp Harrison, check our website at Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Harrison

There are 8 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Rockbrook Summer Camp for Girls
Brevard, North Carolina

Visit Our Rockbrook Summer Camp for Girls Website
3460 Greenville Highway
Brevard, North Carolina 28712

Watch Our Rockbrook Summer Camp for Girls Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: As part of its traditional summer camp program, Rockbrook offers an extensive riding program. It combines qualified staff, experienced horses, and excellent facilities to create an atmosphere where campers can advance their riding skills, expand their horsemanship knowledge, and enjoy riding with friends.

Adventure, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Musical Theater, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Tennis, Soccer, and more.

Rockbrook Summer Camp for Girls is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Brevard North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Basketball, Horses/Equestrian, Soccer and more. Rockbrook Summer Camp for Girls is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 6-16.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 4 miles south of Brevard, NC.

CAMP FACILITIES: Rockbrook consists of 220 acres of wooded land with 2 rock faces, 2 waterfalls, miles of trails, tennis courts, sports fields, climbing tower, and activity cabins.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: At Rockbrook we believe a summer camp for kids should be both fun and formative, both exciting and supportive, both challenging and rewarding.

We believe young girls thrive best when encouraged to make decisions for themselves, to engage new physical and creative activities, and to develop meaningful friendships.

Rockbrook is a place for girls to explore nature, to learn new skills, and to develop a stronger sense of self.

OTHER CAMP INFO: Rockbrook’s Mission is to provide a haven for girls,
a place of their own, where they can explore the beauty of nature, try new things, enjoy carefree summer living,
and make some of their very best friends.

For Session dates and Fees, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

For information about working at Rockbrook go to the staff section of our Web site: Our Camp Website Link:

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Rockbrook Summer Camp for Girls

There are 7 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Gwynn Valley Camp
Brevard , NC

Visit Our Gwynn Valley Camp Website
301 Gwynn Valley Trail
Brevard , NC 28712

Watch Our Gwynn Valley Camp Video

More than 6 months ago. Contact camp for the latest 2025 camp info.


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Theater, Team Sports, Soccer, and more. Working Farm & Water Powered Grist Mill

CAMP LOCATION: We are located on 320 acres that borders the French Broad River about 5 miles from Brevard, NC. 45 Minutes from Asheville, NC

CAMP FACILITIES: 25 screened in cabins some with bathrooms and some without, outdoor pool, lake for boating and swimming, climbing wall, real rock wall, ropes course, mountain biking and hiking trails, Lodge, dining room, zip line, just minutes from Pisgah National Forest.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: 3 programs for various ages:

Main Camp for ages 5-12 all activities available

Mountainside Adventure Program for those finishing 5th and 6th grade focusing on Mountain Biking, Whitewater Canoeing, Rock Climbing & Backpacking

Riverside Adventure Program for those finishing 7th & 8th grade focusing on Whitewater Canoeing, Rock Climbing and Backpacking



follow link to: Our Camp Website Link:

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Gwynn Valley Camp

There are 6 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Immersion Island
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

Visit Our Immersion Island Website
(984) 215 – 8908
4805 NC-86
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27516

Immersion Island PO BOX 9332 Chapel Hill, NC 27515

Watch Our Immersion Island Video

CAMPER AGES: 3-18 years old

TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Day, Overnight, and Hybrid Week long camps available

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: A full language immersion camp for ages 3 to 18 years old. New Hope Camp and Conference center offers a beautiful unique setting. Day and overnight week long camps available. Come take part of the full immersion experience with food, language, fun, and new friendships!

Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Theater, Soccer, Academics, and more. Full Spanish & French Immersion: Various Activities Including Sports & Physical Activities To Language Games To Skits To Dance To Cultural Crafts---all The Fun Of A Summer Camp In A Foreign Language!

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our camps truly are all the fun of camp while totally immersed in the language and culture: Days filled with activities including cultural presentations, engaging conversation activities, craft, good food, sports, games, swimming, song, dance, friends and much more! Campers of all proficiency levels are welcome and all leave with more than they came with - and they especially grow in their love for the language and want to continue to learn.
Please let me know what questions you have and I hope you will join us at Immersion Island!
Gracias! Merci!

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselor in training program are available throughout the summer.

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Be sure to tell friends about this wonderful opportunity and receive a credit if they mention you in their registration!

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Adult sessions are available, too.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Spring, Summer, and Winter Programs available.

OTHER CAMP INFO: We use engaging immersion techniques so that all campers leave with more than they came with. We especially want that they leave with a new love of the language and culture so that they want to continue learning! This will be our 9th year of providing immersion camps and have many many a happy camper and parents.

Our Camp Website Link:

Counselor in training positions available:
Our Camp Website Link:

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Immersion Island

There are 5 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

YMCA Camp Hanes
King, North Carolina

Visit Our YMCA Camp Hanes Website
King, North Carolina 27021

Watch Our YMCA Camp Hanes Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Day Camp. Overnight Camp/ Day Camp/ Adventure Camp/ Conferences & Adventure/ Outdoor Education/ Adventure Guides

CAMPER GENDER(S): Coed Campers.


BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: YMCA Camp Hanes sits at the base of beautiful Sauratown Mountain. We offer a traditional summer camp in which we help campers unplug and explore while they participate in activities to become their best selves.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Team Sports, Basketball, and more.

YMCA Camp Hanes is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in King North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Team Sports, Swimming, Basketball and more. YMCA Camp Hanes is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 6 - 15.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located 30-40 minutes North of Winston-Salem, NC at the base of Sauratown Mountain. Directions on our website at Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Our wonderful facilities include 18 air conditioned cabins with bathrooms attached. dining hall, lake, basketball court, barn, 5 stand shooting range, various high ropes activities, pool and gymnasium. Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: For more than 85 years, YMCA Camp Hanes has operated a safe, fun overnight camp located at the base of Sauratown Mountain in King, N.C. Campers live and play within our "400 Acre Memory Maker" and learn the ABC's of camping: growing as a leader through Accomplishment, building a sense of Belonging and developing Character Traits of honesty, respect, responsibility, caring and faith.

We offer week-long sessions for 6-15 year olds, Day Camp and Teen Leadership programs beginning in June. Camp Hanes is proud to be accredited by the American Camping Association. Camp Hanes lives out its mission by providing the opportunity for all campers to have the best week through our finical assistance program. Please contact us at 336-983-3131 or Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Call for information on Leadership Programs and visit Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: We offer financial assistance to help our mission to serve all. Our Camp Website Link:

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Family Camp available in May and September. Our Camp Website Link:

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: We offer Outdoor Education and Conference Camp Programs. Our Camp Website Link:

OTHER CAMP INFO: We offer financial assistance to help our mission to serve all. Please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

We offer week long overnight and adventure sessions June 21st through July 31st. Day Camp runs week long sessions June 15th- August 14th. Our Camp Website Link:

Job information at Our Camp Website Link:

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YMCA Camp Hanes

There are 4 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Camp Carolina
Brevard, North Carolina

Visit Our Camp Carolina Website
Toll Free:1.800.551.9136

Camp Carolina Lambs Creek Rd
Brevard, North Carolina 28712

Mailing Address:
PO box 919
Brevard NC 28712

Watch Our Camp Carolina Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. We offer 5 day through 10 week Summer sessions.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Boy Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Carolina is a camp which boys learn to feel with their hearts, do with their hands and live together in the spirit of brotherhood. Our boys are taught to appreciate the simplicity of life, values of human relations, wonders of nature, importance of self reliance, respect for each other and our natural environment and the thrill of high adventure. A special effort is made to send every boy back home stronger in body, keener in mind, more appreciative of nature, nobler in character and more confident in themselves.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Music/Band, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Football, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, and more. Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing, Caving, Fly Fishing, Sea Kayaking, Whitewater Rafting, Whitewater Kayaking, Wake Boarding, Surfing, Archery, Riflery, Fencing, Yoga, Disc Golf, Rugby, Aussie Rules Football, Zip Lining

Camp Carolina is a Top Aquatics Summer Camp located in Brevard North Carolina offering many fun and educational Aquatics and other activities, including: Team Sports, Volleyball, Soccer and more. Camp Carolina is a top Aquatics Camp for ages: 6-17.

CAMP LOCATION: We are located in the Heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains in a small mountain town called Brevard in Western North Carolina. We are 30 minutes south west of Asheville NC.

CAMP FACILITIES: Camp Carolina is nestled in Lambs Creek Valley on 240 Acres backing up to Pisgah National Forest. We have a three athletic fields a 4 acre private lake, 5 tennis courts, an outdoor riding ring, and indoor and outdoor skate park and 40 camper cabins housing between 6-7 campers.

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Our program is a balanced mixture of individual and team sports, nature, music, arts and crafts, high adventure and extreme sports. We value safety, respect and selflessness toward others. We work hard to maintain a well- rounded experience of health, fun and growth. Our camp leaders are guided to focus on the “teachable moment” – that time when a boy is enthusiastic, interested, searching for answers and having fun. We believe, and many educators agree, that more teachable moments arise during the long- term camping experience than during comparable stays at other types of educational institutions.

Camp Carolina is about adventure and meeting challenges head- on. It’s about the simple faith that anything can be accomplished through determination and enthusiasm. It’s about living fully, setting personal goals, making friends and enjoying accomplishments. Its mostly about fun – on the rivers, lakes, rocks, trails, courts, parks and fields, Our program is so diverse that boys can be successful here as long as they are willing to try.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Counselor Assistant leadership training for boys who have completed the 9-12 grade.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Father Son weekends available in May.

Camp Sessions vary from 1-2 week intro sessions to 3-10 week sessions. To view our current dates and rates please visit Our Camp Website Link:

We believe the key to a great camp is the staff. Therefore, we are looking for qualified, responsible men and women with patience, understanding and an interest in working with young people in an outdoor setting. Neat appearance, motivation and skills in finding solutions are essential in maintaining the reputation of our quality program with both the parents and the campers.

To watch a video about working at CCB click here Our Camp Website Link:

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Camp Carolina

There are 3 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Growing Goddess Camp
North Carolina Location(s)

Visit Our Growing Goddess Camp Website
96 Rocky Cove Rd.
Candler, North Carolina 28715

Sebastopol, CA

10 Weaver Smith Dr. Candler, NC 28715


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway.

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: Growing Goddess is a Nature Based Rites of Passage Camp (ages 11-14) that celebrates the sacred time when a girl is becoming a woman. Through nature connection, supportive sisterhood, ritual, play and mentorship our true gifts emerge.

Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Soccer, and more. Camping • Hiking • Arts & Crafts • Wild Edibles • Body-Awareness • Wilderness Safety • Song Sharing • Self-Care Medicine-Making • Fire Skills • Build A Moon Lodge • Council Circles

CAMP LOCATION: 20 minutes from downtown Asheville, NC. Sacred Mountain Sanctuary is nestled on hundreds of acres of pristine mountain land, surrounded by Pisgah National Forest. The property encompasses 2 mountain coves and neighbors a 3600ft elevated mountain bald with breathtaking views of Mount Pisgah and the surrounding areas. The coves are abundant with pristine water and important native plant species. Much of the property is blessed with a century-old mixed deciduous forest, making it an important species repository of the Southern Appalachian biome. - See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP FACILITIES: Spring water, beautiful camp spots, tents provided, outdoor kitchen

At Earth Path Education we encourage the experience of being at home in nature and within oneself. We empower girls, boys, young women and men, adults and elders to claim the path to earth connection that is within each of us. We begin to see how bio-mimicry, being like the stream, being like the deer, can help us to live harmoniously, reducing stress and enhancing the ease of our existence. Through learning Earth skills, nature awareness, and ancestral wisdom we remember our place in an interconnected web; we remember who we are.

When we commune with our unity; we naturally develop compassionate communication skills with all beings. These skills aid us throughout life by allowing us to feel how our thoughts, words, and actions affect the whole of our community, the whole of life. We then begin to understand how we want to show up for ourselves, our communities, and our world.

With an understanding of our inter-connectedness to Earth and each other, we grow the roots to support a life of balanced giving and recieving. We naturally develop the inner wisdom that allows each of us to live our lives with confidence in ourselves and our visions, integrity within our relationships and actions, and humble gratitude for all that we experience everyday.

We help grow a culture of listening to mother earth as our wisest mentor.

Our Approach
Nature Awareness:
Through focusing on nature awareness we encourage our students to experience what is happening around them, awakening curiosity and inspiration. When students are empowered to root in processes like making fire, foraging wild foods, making rope, and learning bird songs; they begin to feel capable of relaxing and deepening in the wilderness. We believe that learning skills of how to source our human lives from the abundant life around us grows respect; respect for the plants that heal our wounds, the sticks that give us warmth, and the creek that cools us. We develop a deepening gratitude to the elements that offer us life.

Regenerative Presence:
We use a variety of tools to inspire a regenerative presence on the planet. At Earth Path Education, we believe that the concept of regeneration is the key to a harmonious future here on Earth. We believe that as humans we can do more than not harm, we can actually feed all of creation with our beauty, our rituals, our songs, and our deep listening.

Village Building:
We hold necessary the role of the village in our Wilderness Rites of Passage ceremonies. It is the village that sends the initaites into their journeys, and the village that catches the initaites and witnesses the transformations. The rites of passage is also a key part to the health of the village, pumping all members with health, inspirations and vitality, bringing to the village the vision seeds that are to sprout us into a more harmonious way of relating.

Ceremonial Arts:
At Earth Path Education we are committed to the beauty way. We make earth offerings, and leave equsitie altars in the forest. We sings and dance, at each spring, we feed the fire with our stories and we compost our grief and our burdens, so that life can grow corn with it to feed the people. We pray for our lives, we pray for the earth. Our dreams bring us messages, and as we tune into our rhythms, and synch up with the rythms of the land. The earth starts to dream up through us, clarifying our purpose, calling us forward, and illuminating our gifts. Our ceremonies are an art of listening, to that wisdom which has been held in the earth and is just waiting to be danced up through us.

Permaculture creates systems that provide for Human needs and the Earth’ s needs through mutually beneficial relationships. The health of our human community is linked to our local bioregion, which in turn is linked to the wellbeing of all ecosystems. We instill the ethics of Elemental Linking and Holistic Thinking. As every element becomes an integral part of the whole system, the whole community becomes more dynamic, harmonious, and energy efficient. These enhanced relationships reduce maintenance and stress, while increasing yields and happiness. These permaculture principles apply to our ecological relationship and our social relationships.

We instill the idea that work and play can be one in the same. We inspire youth and adults to follow the things that they are truly passionate about. We help guide each other to feel confident in achieving our dreams, and manifesting a life that we are happy to be living each day. We believe that the most harmonious accomplishments come from a people who love what they were doing, feeling that their calling, is a place where ones passion is meeting the thrist of the world and bringing sweet water to the driest of places. We support our participants in finding this inspiration, passion, and motivation within themselves and taking action on their calling.

Meet Our Instructors
We offer instruction from connected, knowledgeable Ecologists, Naturalists, Primitive Skills Enthusiasts, and Crafts Teachers, and other Earth-loving individuals. We invite special Guest Teachers and Inspirational Elders to join us throughout our programs. Please check out our instructor bios. All of our instructors will share with your children and teens the wisdom they have been so committed to incorporating into their lives and the world. The great thing is we will learn as much if not more from them!

- See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Moon Mystics for ages 15-18
Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS OR FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE: Contact lena[AT] for financial need scholarship information.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): Families are invited to our send off ceremonies, and welcome home celebrations. The first and last day of our sessions.

YEAR-ROUND PROGRAMS: Our Camp Website Link: for year round program opportunities

OTHER CAMP INFO: Growing Goddess is much more than your average camp. Here at Earth Path Education, we are truly passionate about supporting youth as they grow and mature. We think of these young women as a part of our family, and strive to support them in all aspects of their lives. We provide a safe space for these girls to freely share their joys and their sorrows. We thrive together through honoring our sisterhood. As we see the benefits of connecting together within a supportive network, all competitive energy melts away. With the guidance of mentors and a close connection to the earth, a culture is created that marks this powerful transition with intentional ceremony.

The Rites of Passage allows each young woman to connect to her inner guidance. This clarity inspires self-confidence, empowered decision-making, compassionate communication, and goal motivation. We come together to find the beauty inherent in each of us, so we fully believe in ourselves and each other. We sing, we dance, we celebrate! We learn about who we are and how we want to show up for our communities, this earth and our lives.

We learn about how to care for our amazing bodies, and discuss how to maintain a positive body-image. We learn about the traditional Moon Lodge, a sacred space established to honor a woman’s moontime. Through implementing these ceremonial practices, we learn how we can create space to deeply explore the blessings of being a woman.

We experience ourselves through ceremony and through play! We learn ancestral crafts, games, stories, and songs as we root into our bio-region! As we camp and hike our amazing landscapes, we explore the ways in which we can sustain ourselves through our understanding of the natural world. We learn a variety of earth skills including how to make fire, wild edibles, permaculture, plant medicines, and much more.

We call upon elders in our community to share their wisdom; we bring in strong role models to teach a variety of skills, crafts, and classes. Together we form a web that nourishes the fertile soil that feeds our growth and expansion throughout life. This quest is a powerful and fun-filled experience for all, helping to create the beautiful, heart-centered women of our future!

- See more at: Our Camp Website Link:

June 22-26, 2015: 5 day overnight Rites of Passage Camp
$650 if paid by March 15th
$675 if paid by June 21st
$1,000 for two sessions: June and July, 2015 (10 days)

July 6-10, 2015: 5 day overnight Rites of Passage Camp
$650 if paid by March 15th
$675 if paid by June 21st
$1,000 for two sessions: June and July, 2015 (10 days)

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Growing Goddess Camp

There are 2 Top North Carolina Aquatics Camps Below

Keystone Camp
Brevard, NC

Visit Our Keystone Camp Website
101 Keystone Camp Road
Brevard, NC 28712

Watch Our Keystone Camp Video


TYPE OF CAMP: Overnight/Sleepaway. Residential All-Girl Summer Camp

CAMPER GENDER(S): All Girl Campers.

BRIEF CAMP DESCRIPTION: At Keystone Camp, our girls can be heard laughing, singing, talking, splashing, jumping, and dancing throughout the summer. For over 98 years we've been offering campers the opportunity to explore new interests and forge long-term friendships in a safe, fun, nurturing environment.

We offer a celebrated horseback riding program and a wide variety of other outdoor activities that empower young women, including hiking, swimming, rock climbing, canoeing, camping and various team sports.

We also encourage your daughter's creative self-expression through drama, dance, gymnastics and various arts and crafts. In short, we give girls the confidence to be exactly who they are and the freedom to imagine the extraordinary women they will become.

We invite your daughter to become one of our "Girls of Summer," this year and for many unforgettable years to come, in our beautiful Western North Carolina mountains.

Waterfront/Aquatics, Adventure, Wilderness/Nature, Swimming, Horses/Equestrian, Fine Arts/Crafts, Dance, Music/Band, Theater, Musical Theater, Team Sports, Basketball, Volleyball, Gymnastics, Cheerleading, Tennis, Golf, Soccer, Weightloss, and more.

CAMP LOCATION: Nestled in the Blue Ridge mountains we are 30 minutes from the Asheville, NC airport and 50 minutes from downtown.

CAMP FACILITIES: We have 16 cabins, two lakes, and lots of activity areas to have fun! Come check out our Camp Map for more details at: Our Camp Website Link:

CAMP PROGRAM INFO: Since 1916, Keystone Camp has encouraged and supported girls to become strong individuals. Teaching Keystone campers life-long skills and values in a fun and nurturing environment is the hallmark of the Keystone Camp experience. Keystone camp for girls strives to develop the total girl on an individual basis, offering excellent programs in horsemanship, daily horseback riding, tennis, land sports, water sports on two lakes, gymnastics, arts and crafts, dramatics, rock climbing and hiking in Pisgah National Forest.

CAMP LEADERSHIP CIT/LIT PROGRAMS: Once our campers have finished 9th grade they start in our leadership program. In 10th grade grade they become Aides and in 11th grade they are in a cabin with younger campers as a CIT.

FAMILY CAMP SESSION(S): We hold a Mother Daughter weekend May 15th-17th. You can find more information as well as the application here:
Our Camp Website Link:

For complete info, please visit: Our Camp Website Link:

Being a counselor is no ordinary job and we are not looking to employ just ordinary people. When we hire staff for the summer we look for people that will form the foundation that we base our entire community on. We look for people that we believe would make strong, positive role models in the lives of our campers and be leaders and mentors within our small community.

The residential setting means that every choice you make will be observed and potentially replicated by the girls in your care. Do you feel that your behavior is role model worthy? We want counselors who are role models, but also not afraid to be silly and have fun! By applying to camp you are expressing an interest in helping children to develop in a caring, nurturing, and fun environment.

You will be giving up a great deal of privacy and comfort, working long and demanding hours, adhering to camp policies which you may find very limiting (curfews, time on, time off, lack of privacy, no smoking, no drinking alcohol, etc). We look for people who will not see this as a "setback" but rather as a "set up" for a great working environment.

If you believe that you have what it takes to lead and help shape the next generation of young women, then drop us a line or apply today.

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Keystone Camp

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NORTH CAROLINA AQUATICS CAMP PARENTS & CAMPERS: If you are looking to find info on how to choose the best summer camp to attend this summer, please check out our 2025 GUIDE TO CHOOSING THE BEST SUMMER AQUATICS CAMP for some great camp research tips and lots of important 2025 summer camp info.

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